My room我的房间 This is my room.这是我的房间.It is smal but nice.它很小但是很漂亮.There is a big bed and it is very soft in my room.在我的房间里有一个人大床它很柔软.There is a desk in my room.在我的房间里有一个书桌. There is my room.这是我的房间.What about you?那你呢?
My room My room is beautiful. There is a big bed , a big table and a small chair.There is piano next to the table.There are three fish on the balcony, I very like them.I feed them every day. I like my room.
My room has a table and a chair.There is a computer and many books on the desk.There are many medals on the front wall.There's another bed in my room.My room is not big, but I feel very warm.
开头:我的房间虽然不大,但是却十分的温馨。喜欢蓝色的我在刚搬进这个小窝时特意嘱咐父母一定要把墙壁涂成蓝色,因为蓝色是天空的颜色,是大海的颜色,墙壁上贴着几张我最喜欢的动漫海报。书架上有好多本我爱看的书,我把这些书分类摆放的很整齐。作文类的放一起,谜语益智的放一起,漫画类的放一起……书架旁边是一张长方形的书桌,书桌的一角放着我最爱看的沈石溪的动物小说,书桌的正中间放着一盏粉色的台灯,台灯的旁边是一个会按时叫我起床的小可爱——闹钟。 结尾:这个房间是一个美观、舒适、安全的秘密基地,这个温馨的房间将会陪伴我一生一世。我的美好生活,难忘的童年都在这里保留着,我永远不会忘记这美好的童年!